3 Steps To Effectively Market Your Etsy Business

Marketing is a huge part of effectively running a business! Marketing attracts customers to buy your products and it doesn’t necessarily have to break the bank. 

Here are a few important steps to create an effective marketing plan to propel your business!

  1. Identify Your Customers

Using the Insights feature on your social media platforms to track certain demographics of your customers helps to better understand where you need to focus your marketing efforts. If you have a brick and mortar shop you may ask your customers for their zip code. If most of your customers are from New York, you wouldn’t start a campaign in New Jersey… 

  1. SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the use of keywords or phrases to help your customers find you easier. What relevant terms would your customers search to find your products. Usually they find me by the phrase Hard Working Mom so I include the name with every post.

  1. Trust

Customers buy from people they like, know, and trust. Build relationships with potential customers! Effective marketing includes identifying with your customer and fulfilling a need they have. If you gain their trust and fulfill their needs, you will have a loyal customer that will come back time and time again.


  1. Teretha Harris on August 19, 2020 at 2:45 am

    Lori is excellent in sharing. I love her spirit, knowledge and great wreath and products. She is always bringing us something new. Information is very helpful for a beginner

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