Valentine’s Day Classroom Door Decor Ideas
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, which is why I wanted to share a few Valentine’s Day Classroom Door Decor Ideas. These will help you spread love into your classroom and beyond. Be sure to bookmark this page and send it to all of your teacher friends!

Valentine’s Day Classroom Door Decor Ideas
Grab your teacher friends and a few parents to help you put together a lovely door for this upcoming Valentine’s Day!
Love is in the Air
For this door design, you’ll need a large heart-shape pattern. Use it to cut out lots of hearts in different colors. Then, place the hearts in the shape or form of a huge heart balloon (or a hot air balloon). Use a thick yarn to cut “balloon string” pieces to attach the bottom of each heart. Collect them all at the bottom and tie them off.
An optional addition is to add the names of your students on the individual hearts. You can also make it a classroom project by letting your students each decorate a heart. This will then turn into a class activity! Don’t forget to add a blue paper background to depict the sky.
Hugs & Kisses
This is a super simple and easy way to decorate you door. Start by adding a red background to your door. Then add pink, purple, and white X’s, O’s, and hearts in different sizes. You could pick up the letters and hearts at the Dollar Store or trace and cut them out yourself.
A Classroom Full of Sweethearts
Using the idea of Sweethearts candies, you can create a door that looks like a big box of Sweethearts. If you don’t want to design a large box, use the small boxes and tape them all over the door. Save the candy to giveaway during your classroom’s Valentine’s Day party.
Cut out paper hearts in the same colors as the Sweethearts candy and put eac of your student’s names on them. If you have extras, write some sweet messages on them.
DIY Mustache Valentine Cards
Create a red backdrop in your classroom and take individual pictures of your students. Print the pictures on horizontal (or vertical) length paper to mimic Valentine’s Day cards. Add a backdrop to your door and put the saying, “I ‘mustache’ you a question.” across the top. You can use an mustache cutout for the word or put the word mustache.
At the bottom of the door, put the question, “Will you be my Valentine?” Between the saying and question, paste the picture cards of your students. Fill in the blanks with mini mustache cutouts and doily hearts.
Little Love Bugs
The perfect idea for a preschool classroom! Have each of your little learners press their pink or purple painted handprints onto a white piece of paper. Cut around the handprints and attach them to a pink or purple heart. Add googly eyes and a bowtie for boys or a hairbow for girls. Write the student’s name on the bow tie or hairbow and you’ll have your little “bugs.”
Place a white backdrop on your door and add the saying, “Our little love bugs.” Paste the love bugs all over the door and you’re all set! Fill in any spaces with different size red hearts to complete the look.
Sending Love Your Way
This is another project idea where you can get the entire class involved. First, take a picture of each of your students. Then, you can have each student create an envelope or use plain white envelopes from a greeting cards pack.
Have your students paste their picture just inside the envelope where the face and upper body are still showing. Add a red heart to the outside of the envelope. Create a mailbox on your door and paste the envelopes in a way that makes them look like they are being sent off. You can also add the words “sending love your way.”
Final Thoughts
Creating the perfect Valentine’s-themed door is super easy and can be really fun to do. The ideas above are inexpensive, and practical, and allow you to even get your students involved in the decorating process. Which door idea are you most excited about trying? Let us know in the comments below!