Back To School Wreath/ Photo Prop
School is nearly back in session and most of us are out buying school supplies and preparing for a new routine. With only a few more weeks of kid, boredom take this time to be creative! This back-to-school wreath is perfect for front door decor or could also double as a photo prop for those commemorative photos of the kiddos first day. Check out this Back to School wreath and photo prop complete with a supply list and steps.
METHOD Poof with ruffle
Ribbons cut -12
Mesh cut – 20in
Most supplies can be found at Trendy Tree
Supplies Trendy Tree- https://bit.ly/350JHZO
15in Blue work wreath frame
10 in Royal Blue deco mesh
21in Red deco mesh
2.5 in Red and white checked ribbon
2.5in Red with white polka dots ribbon
2.5in Blue with white dots ribbon
2.5 Royal blue sheer ribbon
1.5in school ribbon
All supplies from Trendy Tree
Begin by cutting your red mesh to 20 inches.
To create proofs I’m going to place one end of the ruffle roll (not the pieces that I cut) in a tie and secure. Pull out about 12 inches or so and secure within the next tie creating a poof in between ties, Continue around the bottom rungs of your wreath form making poofs. Once the bottom rung is full ove to the top rung and you shouldn’t be able to tell where the poofs end and where they begin! Once you reach the last tie, run the excess mesh through the back of the form and secure the end with a zip tie and cut.
To make our ruffles, place one piece of blue mesh curl facing down. Use your thumbs to ruffle and pinch in the middle. Hold in place with a tie on the bottom level.
Repeat the previous step and place it within the next tie.
I’m going to go ahead and cut my ribbon to 12 inches and tie in my ribbon also before I get too many ruffles on.
I’m using the red checker ribbon with a white polka dot ribbon on top and placing that combo with one ruffle.
My next ribbon combo is the blue with white polka dot with the white polka dot ribbon on top.
Continue alternating ribbon combinations around the wreath and onto the next level. I use the white and color polka dot ribbon in every combo.
Don’t forget to cut off the excess tie with wire cutters.
For my oversized bow, check out the ProBow Hand Maker that I love!
I used the red with big white dots, blue sheer ribbon, red checkered, white and colored ribbon, and teacher ribbon.
Use pipe cleaners to hold together in the middle and place on a single rung on your wreath to the side.
To add my sign I’m going to use my hole punch to punch holes in all four corners of the sign.
Run a single piece of wire through each hole in your sign, pull the wire through your wreath, and tie it to the wreath levels to hold in place.
To see the full tutorial video, visit The Hard Working Mom on youtube here, and don’t forget to subscribe!