Living More with Less Stuff
Hi there, and welcome to my blog! I’m Lori, and today I’m sharing the advantages of adopting a minimalist lifestyle.
In an age where society is being spoon-fed the concept of overconsumption, individuals are taking a stand against the media by adopting minimalist lifestyles. Minimalism is the practice of removing superfluous items from your daily life. As a result, you’re left with only the necessities. Those who uphold this lifestyle rave about its benefits.
Let’s discuss a few advantages to maintaining minimalism:
Helps Redefine What’s Important
Once the inessentials have been extracted, our outlook on life inevitably shifts. We no longer focus on amenities, and we give ourselves permission to explore what brings us happiness. The shift from regular life to simple living often resurrects unknown passions including yoga, reading, traveling, exercising, and DIY activities.
Eliminates Materialism
As consumers, it’s incredibly easy to become infatuated with the latest in technology and fashion. By removing these material possessions from our lives, we no longer find our worth in their existence. When we divorce ourselves from extravagant living, peace of mind follows. With simplification comes a heightened sense of mindfulness.
Rids Us of Fear
When we have nothing to lose, we no longer fear losing it. In turn, it allows us to focus on the people and relationships that mean the most to us. Buddhist monks, for example, are among the most calming presences in the world. They attribute their peacefulness to their simplified way of life.
Instills Confidence
By incorporating simplicity into our lives, we’re demonstrating that we don’t rely on worldly possessions to bring us joy. This notion tends to promote confidence. We become more reliant on our abilities and fearlessly pursue the activities, people, and things that spark enjoyment.
Revives High Spirits
A life dictated by material worth is a life of unfulfillment. What’s more, owning copious amounts of items creates clutter. Clutter is notorious for producing stress. With that said, decluttering is said to be an enlightening experience. As the unnecessary items leave our lives, so too do the unsolicited worries.
Creates More Freedom
When we have a lot of stuff to worry about, it detracts from the beauty of everyday life. In other words, we become slaves to our expensive jewelry and fancy appliances. There’s an overwhelming concern that comes with owning precious valuables. When we live at a basic level, however, these concerns peter out, and we’re given more freedom to carry on with our day-to-day activities.
Puts An End To Comparisons
Comparison is the thief of happiness, and it’s all too prevalent in today’s society. When you have nothing to compare, we find that worrying about someone else’s social status is unproductive. We tend to get bogged down in irrelevant details, but minimalism ensures that we remain focused on our personal development and well-being.
Reinforces Positive Thinking
There’s nothing quite like the euphoria that accompanies purging unnecessary items. Reminiscing on that initial blissful feeling is a surefire way to remind ourselves that we’ve made the right decision in switching to a minimalist life.
After reading this post, have you identified areas in your life, or space in your environment, where minimalism could help you? Are you ready to make a change?
What will you do?
Thanks for joining us today!
Until next time,
❤ Lori
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