Top Must-Have Wreath Making Supplies for Beginners
These top must-have wreath making tools for beginners are just a few supplies you’ll want to have in your stash if you plan on making a hobby out of making wreaths. Having these tools on hand will prevent you from having to make trips to the store and help you make a variety of wreaths easily and efficiently.
Top Must-Have Wreath Making Supplies for Beginners

Take the guesswork out of what you need by having these tools on hand.
Wire Cutters
Although their name implies cutting wire, these can also be used to cut the stems of flowers and other materials that have wire in them. If you’re looking for a heavy duty pair that will last for years on end, consider getting a pair that is used for electrical work.
Craft Scissors
Craft scissors are more durable and able to cut through more things than regular scissors. Whether you want to cut ribbon, fabric, jute cord, or burlap, you’ll be able to easily do so with a good pair of craft scissors.
High-Temperature Glue Gun
Having one of these on hand will make attaching things to your wreath much easier than using any other kind of glue. Not only is it easy to use but the glue dries fast. Be sure to get glue sticks that are made for high temperatures. And, if you are concerned with burning yourself, you can purchase some gloves to protect your fingers.
Florist Wire
Some of the first wreaths beginners typically create are ones that involve flowers. While you can use hot glue, in some cases it may be better to use florist wire. Depending on the type of wreath base you use, this wire can come in handy!
Bow Maker
Ever wonder how crafters get those big pretty bows on their wreaths? Most of them use a bow maker. You’ll be able to make bows of different sizes in about half the time it would take you to do it by hand. It may be a good idea to eventually learn how to make a bow by hand, but until then, keep one of these in your craft stash.
Ribbon is one of those accessories that you can never have too much of; however, you’ll want to have an ideal way of storing them. You can use a storage crate, tupperware box, or a spool and dowel contraption to keep your ribbon in one place. If when you’re shopping you see some ribbon you like, pick it up and add it to your stash. You never know when it will come in handy.
Deco Mesh
If you like the way deco mesh looks, it’s a good idea to keep some of this on hand as well. You’ll be able to find some unique patterns and colors depending on the time of year, season, and holiday. Similar to ribbon, be sure to have a place to keep your deco mesh organized to keep things from becoming cluttered.
Burlap is a popular wreath material that comes in different sizes. From ribbon size to full length rolls for creating big wreaths, burlap definitely earns a spot on the must-have wreath making supplies list.
Wreath Forms
If there’s a shape or style, you’ll most likely be able to find a wreath form for it. Instead of overloading your craft supply stash with every type you can get your hands on, consider starting out with the basics – circle wire wreath forms and grapevine wreath forms. There are also different types offered around specific seasons.
Around Valentine’s Day you can find a heart shaped one and for Easter you’ll be able to get bunny-shaped ones. This makes wreath making so much fun and creative!
Staple Gun
Similar to glue and tape, a staple gun can be used to help things together without much effort. It’s best to invest in a heavy duty stapler so you don’t have to worry about it working or not. You’ll be able to get the staples for these at any craft store or online vendor like Amazon.
Final Thoughts
Learning how to make wreaths can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be – especially when you have all the necessary tools already on hand. Use our roundup of must-have wreath making supplies to help make your journey of creating wreaths a breeze!
Thank you, to all my HWM YouTube Community for all your support and I will see you all soon. Thank you, HWM by, Lori. Find out when i will be live https://bit.ly/33x7Oyf
Affiliate links for tools used. If you purchase i will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum 🙂
Mesh Roller https://www.simplify-organize.com/pro…
Probow the hand http://amzn.to/2zbz4Yp
Fiskars Rotary cutter and mat http://amzn.to/2hyAUHL
Ryobi Glue gun http://amzn.to/2hBoizL
Bowdabra bow maker http://amzn.to/2zdPxeE
Metal Hole Punch http://amzn.to/2Aoow
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looking for wreath forms your shop says sold out. when will you be getting them in? I have things in my cart but I am waiting to add a wreath form. Plese let me know when you get them in thank you, Gail