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How to Make a Woodland Ruffle Valentines Wreath

Hey Lori here, today I wanted to make this fun Woodland Ruffle Valentine wreath for you. To get started I pre-cut all my materials ahead of time. I cut the mesh at 34″ inches, the ribbons all cut at 12″ inches. I also have attached a material list for you at the end of this post.

This cute heart sign was made by one of my cubbies Rachel find her shop here. I picked out the following ribbon choices. I cut 9 of each mesh colors at 34″.

Affiliate links for tools used. If you purchase I will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum đŸ™‚

How to do the woodland ruffle we are going to take the ends and curl them one, two, three times then I will ruffle to the center on each end.
You can also use a chip clip to help hold the one end. If you do not have something to help clamp then you can start with one end and curl it 3 times and then ruffle to the center and curl the other end 3 times into the ruffle.

We will keep this method going around all the way around. The mesh I found at Sims Pottery, but I have found some at Craftoutlet and TrendyTree. I wanted to do the black all the way around on the base of the wreath frame and the red will go in the center. Remember they do not have to be perfect you just want them to look like a curl and ruffle.

I love this method to see how full this wreath looks and we still have a few more to add to it. I love the ribbons I picked out the black and white with the red sheer, then the bright pink plaid and the white hearts. I have – 2.5- inch ribbon and 2- 1.5-inch ribbon. Remember when you are making wreaths I always use wired ribbon and I would encourage you to also do so.

On to the bow I am using the 4-in-1 by ProBow The Hand. We are going to do a 6 in loop with this pink ribbon. The first thing you do is measure the tail I did around 12″ once I have that tail I will pinch it and stick it into the bow maker. Turn it so ugly side is up and bring it back to the top of the bow maker and stick it into the center, making sure the loop is 6″ we will do this 3 times on each side. Making sure you pinch and twist on each pass all but the last one. I like to spread my loops out but making sure the pegs don’t move so I don’t lose my loops.

When working with pattern ribbon its funny if they do not all go the same way, so I like to do this part by hand. So what I do is take it and tuck it between my thumb and finger, on the right side I pull it underneath and tucket into my hand like image.

Making sure I have the same length and then on this side, I will pull across (no twisting) Pretty side down and come over and tuck into my thumb. My tuck pattern is all facing down and that is what we want. When making a bow you don’t always have to 3,2,3 or 3,2,1 you can do whatever loop pattern you want to do.

When attaching my sign I use my pipe cleaner and a staple gun and will attach those where I want the sign to hang at. I always keep a hammer to make sure they don’t come out and give them a little pound. I always attach the sign right to the frame I don’t want to smoosh my materials but I move it out of the way and then will re-fluff out the wreath.

I also have these adorable hearts, I make a little hook with the wire from the embellishments and then dip it in my glue pot and then attach it to the ties on the wreath frame.

Here you have it an adorable Valentine’s Day Wreath. Don’t forget to check out the video on my Channel.


Trendy Tree- https://bit.ly/350JHZO

Deco Exchange https://goo.gl/QPsTPY

-34 in woodlandRuffles

Ribbons cut -12 Mesh cut – 34


Sign My Valentine https://www.etsy.com/listing/76705124…

Supplies Trendy Tree- https://bit.ly/350JHZO

15 in Black Work Wreath

1 10in White and Black striped mesh

1 10in Red with white striped edge Ribbon Supplies Trendy Tree- https://bit.ly/350JHZO

Deco Exchange https://goo.gl/QPsTPY

2.5 in Pink and white checked ribbon

2.5 in Black and White checked truck with hearts ribbon

1.5 in Black with red hearts Ribbon

1.5in White with red hearts ribbon

Thank you, to all my HWM YouTube Community for all your support and I will see you all soon. Thank you, HWM by, Lori. Find you when I will be live https://bit.ly/33x7Oyf

Affiliate links for tools used. If you purchase I will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum đŸ™‚ 

I hope this information helps guide you in the right direction for your creative business. Don’t forget to check out my Design group!

Shop- https://hardworkingmomstore.com/

Business Group- https://hardworkingmom.com/success-path/

Wreath design group- https://hardworkingmom.com/product/de…

Dollar Tree Wreath Frames – https://www.dollartree.com/metal-wreath-rings-1425-in/205297

Dollar Tree Pipe Cleaners- https://www.dollartree.com/crafters-square-assorted-chenille-stems-45ct-packs/162095

Website- https://hardworkingmomstore.com/

Tools & Supplies Store-https://www.amazon.com/shop/influence…

Wreath Supplies with Trendy Tree- https://bit.ly/350JHZO

Affiliate links for tools used. If you purchase I will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum đŸ™‚ 


Need Help?

If you are interested in learning more about our Success Path group, you are welcome to do so following this link: https://hardworkingmom.com/success-path

Want to learn Wreath Designing? Here is my Coaching Group, follow the link here: https://hardworkingmom.com/product/design-with-hard-working-mom-wreath-therapy-on-steroids/

Need a bundle, here is the link to save on both groups: https://hardworkingmom.com/product/design-with-hard-working-mom-wreath-therapy-on-steroids-combined-with-lori-jacobs-success-path/

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