Why I choose YouTube For My Creative Outlet
Hi, Lori here I have been asked about my story and why I choose YouTube as my creative platform and how I got started so I thought this would make a great blog post for you all.

I started YouTube because I had been looking for videos on doing wreaths and crafts for inspiration and there was very little out there. My two children talked me into doing a YouTube channel to show off my creative talents. I found that teaching others and sharing my knowledge of wreath making was very fulfilling.
I had a very stressful job as a chief financial officer and chief operating officer of a hospital. It gave me a wonderful outlet to relieve my stress and an avenue to enjoy my crafts.

I discovered that my true passion lies in teaching others and helping people launch their own business or grow their business. Having a YouTube channel allowed me to start a business and grow my business to teaching thousands how to run their business and how to sell their wreaths and crafts
My favorite things about YouTube are the fact that you can connect directly with your targeted audience. People come to YouTube looking for answers and solutions to their questions and problems. Having a YouTube channel allows you to show how your company answers those questions and provide solutions. I love how YouTube supports its creators and gives us tools to continue to grow our channels. YouTube is a powerful social media platform and search engine that helps you take your business directly to your targeted audience.

When I started my YouTube channel in the beginning, it grew very slowly. I began to do a lot of research and soaked up all the training I could find on how to grow a YouTube channel. Once I discovered how you can grow your channel I was able to speed my growth up tremendously.
Being successful on YouTube is all about knowing what you should do and how you should market your channel. Being trained on YouTube is the best and fastest way that you can grow your channel in the quickest time possible. Knowing what to do and how to do it saves time and lots of frustration.

With my passion for teaching and my knowledge for YouTube I want to teach other creatives how to market and run a successful YouTube channel and add more to their creative business, this is why I am launching YouTube Success For Makers December 1st.

Need Help?
If you are interested in learning more about our Success Path group, you are welcome to do so following this link: https://hardworkingmom.com/success-path
Want to learn Wreath Designing? Here is my Coaching Group, follow the link here: https://hardworkingmom.com/product/design-with-hard-working-mom-wreath-therapy-on-steroids/
Need a bundle, here is the link to save on both groups: https://hardworkingmom.com/product/design-with-hard-working-mom-wreath-therapy-on-steroids-combined-with-lori-jacobs-success-path/
Find Me Here
Email me: [email protected]
YouTube: @https://www.youtube.com/hardworkingmom
Instagram: @hardworkinglori
Twitter: @hardworkingmomtv
Facebook: @hardworkingmomtv
My Etsy Shop: DesignedByHWM
Hardworkingmom Store: https://hardworkingmomstore.com/
Amazon Influencer: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-5ef69f14