My Top 6 Favorite Places to Buy Ribbon For Wreaths
Lori here, I wanted to share with you my favorite places to shop for ribbon for wreaths. I know how hard it can be to find good suppliers and ones that are affordable. The most asked question I get is this where should I shop?
If you have your wholesale license that will make a difference when pricing ribbon. I know the feelings with shopping online you think what if it is not what I ordered, what if it is cheap, what are all these different types of ribbon. The good news is some of these are not only online but you can go to a store as well.

Carolina Pottery
This is my go-to local store prices similar to Craftoutlet I can go there and look at items great place for inspiration as well since they have in house designers. I love that I can touch and see items in person and they always have great stock and quality. No wholesale needed, don’t have one local get the SKU and call into the store they would be happy to ship an item to you.
Sims Pottery
Sims is a wholesale so if you are a business and have your wholesale license this is a great place to build up stock and get supplies. You can shop online as well as in person. Prices are greatly similar to Craftoutlet and Carolina Pottery. I love the in house designers and the staff they are always so helpful.
TrendyTree has great ribbon quality and I love working with another small business in the wreathing community. Great for inspiration and they use their materials when creating so you shouldn’t have to go to different locations to get your supplies. I love their Instagram page with all the items that are trending and photos of each that will spark your creative pallet. No wholesale needed.
They have bulk ribbon in large rolls which is great for when you are starting your creative business always up to date with trends and fast shipping is a plus. No wholesale needed.
The Wreath Shop
Large inventory and hey if you are in Texas talk about fast shipping. I love their website and how easy it is to find what you are looking for. No wholesale needed.
Just moved to an even BIGGER wear house to fill all the creative needs. They have a huge inventory and they are open to the public no wholesale needed. Prices are great and affordable when you are starting your business.
I know when starting your creative business you always go with the cheaper items and build up your stash, while cheaper may not be the best option I would recommend to purchase 50-yard rolls and larger to start building your inventory. I would also recommend that all ribbon you use for wreaths is wired ribbon you will need it to bend and manipulate the shape when making bows.
Do you have a favorite place to shop that I didn’t list here? Let me know in my free Facebook group Hard Working Moms Everyday Craft Dreamers I would love to hear from you.
Here are my favorite places to shop don’t leave out Etsy & Amazon as well sometimes you can find great things with these smaller shops for great price and quality.
Affiliate links for tools used. If you purchase I will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum 🙂
I hope this information helps guide you in the right direction for your creative business. Don’t forget to check out my Success Path where I have hours of training videos for you and guided steps on how to start your creative business.
Shop- https://hardworkingmomstore.com/
Business Group- https://hardworkingmom.com/success-path/
Wreath design group- https://hardworkingmom.com/product/de…
Dollar Tree Wreath Frames – https://www.dollartree.com/metal-wreath-rings-1425-in/205297
Dollar Tree Pipe Cleaners- https://www.dollartree.com/crafters-square-assorted-chenille-stems-45ct-packs/162095
Website- https://hardworkingmomstore.com/
Tools & Supplies Store-https://www.amazon.com/shop/influence…
Wreath Supplies with Trendy Tree- https://bit.ly/350JHZO
Affiliate links for tools used. If you purchase I will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum 🙂

Need Help?
If you are interested in learning more about our Success Path group, you are welcome to do so following this link: https://hardworkingmom.com/success-path
Want to learn Wreath Designing? Here is my Coaching Group, follow the link here: https://hardworkingmom.com/product/design-with-hard-working-mom-wreath-therapy-on-steroids/
Need a bundle, here is the link to save on both groups: https://hardworkingmom.com/product/design-with-hard-working-mom-wreath-therapy-on-steroids-combined-with-lori-jacobs-success-path/
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YouTube: @https://www.youtube.com/hardworkingmom
Instagram: @hardworkinglori
Twitter: @hardworkingmomtv
Facebook: @hardworkingmomtv
My Etsy Shop: DesignedByHWM
Hardworkingmom Store: https://hardworkingmomstore.com/
Amazon Influencer: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-5ef69f14
Would like more information on sublimation and supplies and where you get them from