How to Make a Witch Wreath with Splatter Mesh and Deco Mesh
This video tutorial will show you how to make a Witch Wreath for Halloween using the Poof with Ruffle Method.
Learn how to make this cute wicked-witch wreath by watching my video. Step-by-step written instructions are listed below with helpful links and video timestamps.
Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links for supplies and tools used. If you purchase, I will get a few pennies for the purchase. About enough to buy a stick of gum 🙂
Method: Poof with Ruffle
Ruffles: cut at 10 inches
Ribbons: cut at 12 inches
Mesh: cut at 10 inches
Supplies are as follows:
- 15″ Purple Work Wreath Frame, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- Witch Kit, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- 21″ Orange, Purple and Black Striped Deco Mesh, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- 21″ Purple Splatter Mesh, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- 10” Black Splatter Mesh
- Black Zip Ties
- Silver Wire for Attaching the Sign
- 2.5″ Orange, Green, and Purple Striped Ribbon, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- 1.5″ Purple, Orange and Black Striped Ribbon, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- 2.5″ Purple Spider Ribbon, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
- 1.5″ Green, Purple and Orange Striped Ribbon, https://goo.gl/QPsTPY
Tools (Optional):
- Mesh Roller https://www.simplify-organize.com/pro…
- Probow the hand http://amzn.to/2zbz4Yp
- Fiskars Rotary cutter and mat http://amzn.to/2hyAUHL
- Ryobi Glue gun http://amzn.to/2hBoizL
- Bowdabra bow maker http://amzn.to/2zdPxeE
- Metal Hole Punch http://amzn.to/2Ao
How to Make a Witch Wreath Using the Poof with Ruffle Method
Written Instructions with Video Timestamps:
Getting Started
For this wreath, we have a cute wicked witch set with sign! It’s so cute, I just love it!
Our main colors are purple, black, and orange. The ruffles will be purple and black splatter mesh, while our poof colors are the purple, black and orange-striped deco mesh. The ribbons are coordinating in color, but with different patterns as well as a pop of green, a little sparkle, and even spiders [2:30]!
Prep the Splatter Mesh: cut your purple splatter mesh at 10” of the roll [1:20]. Then, stack and cut your 10” wide mesh strips in half, lengthwise, to double your stack. You’ll need enough mesh pieces for all of the ties on the work frame (should be 18 pieces). Your final pieces should measure roughly 10″ x 10.5″. Set aside. Repeat for the black splatter mesh, except you will only cut once off the roll to make 10″ x 10″ pieces. Set aside.
Prep the ribbons: precut my ribbons for the project at 12 inch lengths with dovetails [2:24]. The ribbons will be tied to each twist tie on the work frame. You will want at least 9 pieces of each type of ribbon. Set aside.
Prep the Frame: using a 15” Purple Work Frame, open up your ties [4:07]. This will make the poof making go faster. A work frame comes with twist ties already attached to the wreath. No need for pipe cleaners.
Creating your Poofs
Using a black zip tie, we’re going to create 10” poofs. Scrunch up the end of your orange, purple and black -striped deco mesh (leaving it on the roll), trim the edge of the mesh so that it’s even, then zip tie the edge of the mesh to the outside of the frame [4:33]. This will secure the poof mesh.
Measure over 10” and attach the mesh to a tie. Measure over 10” and attach the mesh to the next tie, working your way around the outside of the wreath.
When making your poof, make sure you keep the rough edges tucked inside on the bottom of your poof. This will keep your poof looking nice and neat.
After you work your way around the outside edge, you’ll overlap the zip tie and secure to the next wreath tie.
Then take your mesh straight up to the inside frame, next to a wreath tie and zip tie it to the frame again [12:10]! Zip tying in this step helps your first poof come out nicer. Now, work your way around the inside frame using 10” poofs. After you work your way around the inside, it’ll be nice and POOFY. Again, when you reach the end, overlap the zip tie, and tie down the poof to the next tie over. Snip off the end of the poof, tuck the tail to the bottom side of the wreath and zip tie it to the wreath.
Adding the Splatter Mesh and Ribbons
Stack a 1.5” ribbon on top of the 2.5” ribbon and pinch in the center. Set aside on your bow maker. Lay two squares of splatter mesh flat in front of you, black mesh above purple [14:19]. Ruffle the mesh right up the middle starting with purple mesh closest to you, and then ruffle in the black mesh when you reach it. Pinch in the center, and then stack your two pinched ribbons on top [14:38]…attach to a twist tie on the wreath!
Straighten up the ribbon and mesh as needed once twisted down to the wreath. This will add some sparkle and pop without covering the pretty poof mesh.
Repeat, alternating the ribbon selection for each twist tie on the work wreath. You can even alternate which splatter mesh color is on top and bottom once twisted onto the wreath.
View the video at [33:43] to see how beautiful it is after creating the poofs and attaching the ribbon and splatter mesh!
Attaching the Witch and Sign
Next, let’s look at our witch hat and legs. My witch hat and legs came attached together, but I’m taking it apart for this wreath. I clip the wire, and create two pieces!
For the hat, we can put paper or mesh into the hat. For the legs, we’ll bend them a little and position them on the lower half of the wreath, place the sign in the middle, and then the hat above the sign.
You may need to attach wire to your sign [36:06]. Drill a hole into the 4 corners of your metal sign and slip thin silver wire through each hole. This is how you will attach the sign to your wreath. If you use a wood sign, you can staple the wire onto the corners on the back of the sign.
First, position and tie down your metal sign. See my video at [39:56] to see how I tie the sign into place. The metal wires are tucked through to the back of the wreath. Be careful that you don’t flatten your poofs and hard work!
Next, attach the witches legs [42:53]. Crisscross the legs, bend them slightly, tuck them under the sign and tie them onto the wreath frame. Your legs should have wires attached at the top. If not, you can DIY this as well similar to how we rig the sign.
Finally, we’ll attach the witches hat [44:18]. Stuff something into the hat to fluff it up, if needed, such as plastic, mesh or paper. If needed, poke wire through both sides of the witches hat brim under the braided section (to hide it), and we’ll use this to tie the hat to the wreath [47:00]. Position the hat above the sign, and pull the wires through to the back and secure to the frame.
View the final wreath at timestamp [48:39].
Halloween Witch Wreath Complete!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
For more Halloween Project Ideas and Tutorials, check out my YouTube Playlist: Fall Wreaths and Crafts
Bonus News: I now have a channel on Roku! Check out Hard Working Mom on your Roku streaming tv. If you have a Roku, please check it out and tell me what you think!!!
I hope this project has given you some spoOOoooky inspiration for Halloween! Share with me! I’d love to hear from you. My social links are posted below.
Until next time,
❤ Lori
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